Siirry sisältöön

Become a member

Managing on your own is over – join the psoriasis community! The Finnish Psoriasis Association and local associations provide information, support and advice.

Membership pays off

Your membership with the Finnish Psoriasis Association and your local association promotes the well-being of people with psoriasis, and as a member you receive valuable benefits, advice, peer support and the magazine Ihon aika.

New members join their local psoriasis association and, through that, the Finnish Psoriasis Association. Find your local association.

The membership fee in 2024 is EUR 24 for adults and EUR 12 for youth members (ages 15–29). No membership fee is charged for persons under 15 years of age.  More information about membership:

The more of us there are, the better we can promote the rights of people with psoriasis!